Extended Weapon Wheel 1.4
22 september 2023
Snacks and armor can be found in the houses of the characters (you can see the location in the screenshots). You can only take one body armor and a limited number of snacks with you (snack limits are the same as in GTA Online).
There is support for both the keyboard and controller, but you can not change the purpose of the buttons in the settings yet. This will be resolved in the next version, if the mod will be in demand.
- Code updated to ScriptHookDotNet3
- You can now buy snacks in all stores in the game. Thanks to @Hydraxonn for updating ShopList.ini
- Added support for older versions of the game. Open the file ExendedWeaponWheel.ini and set the oldversion parameter to 1. By default the mod works on the latest version of the game.
- The snacks in Michael's mansion and Franklin's hideouts have been moved to the kitchen. You can return the snacks to their original location by opening the ExendedWeaponWheel.ini file and setting the newposition parameter to 0.
- Now you can buy snacks in stores. So far only two stores are available, but you can add new stores yourself in the ShopList.ini file
- You can now discard any weapon through the Weapon Wheel.
- Fixed a bug that made it possible to refill armor and snacks without the Weapon Wheel.
- Fixed a bug where armor and snacks could be used while talking on the phone or in the car.
- Fixed bug in the Russian localization, when the text in the weapon selector was in English.
- You can now reassign buttons in the game settings: Settings > GTA Online > "Eat Snack (In Weapon Wheel)" and "Use Armor (In Weapon Wheel)"
- Added snacks and armor to Aunt Franklin's house
- Disabled keyboard debug mode, the accidental activation of which caused loss of health and armor
Installation: move all the files in the folder Scripts.
Först uppladdad: 30 juli 2022
Senast uppdaterad: 22 september 2023
Senast nedladdad: 1 timma sedan
70 Kommentarer
More mods by andre500:
Snacks and armor can be found in the houses of the characters (you can see the location in the screenshots). You can only take one body armor and a limited number of snacks with you (snack limits are the same as in GTA Online).
There is support for both the keyboard and controller, but you can not change the purpose of the buttons in the settings yet. This will be resolved in the next version, if the mod will be in demand.
- Code updated to ScriptHookDotNet3
- You can now buy snacks in all stores in the game. Thanks to @Hydraxonn for updating ShopList.ini
- Added support for older versions of the game. Open the file ExendedWeaponWheel.ini and set the oldversion parameter to 1. By default the mod works on the latest version of the game.
- The snacks in Michael's mansion and Franklin's hideouts have been moved to the kitchen. You can return the snacks to their original location by opening the ExendedWeaponWheel.ini file and setting the newposition parameter to 0.
- Now you can buy snacks in stores. So far only two stores are available, but you can add new stores yourself in the ShopList.ini file
- You can now discard any weapon through the Weapon Wheel.
- Fixed a bug that made it possible to refill armor and snacks without the Weapon Wheel.
- Fixed a bug where armor and snacks could be used while talking on the phone or in the car.
- Fixed bug in the Russian localization, when the text in the weapon selector was in English.
- You can now reassign buttons in the game settings: Settings > GTA Online > "Eat Snack (In Weapon Wheel)" and "Use Armor (In Weapon Wheel)"
- Added snacks and armor to Aunt Franklin's house
- Disabled keyboard debug mode, the accidental activation of which caused loss of health and armor
Installation: move all the files in the folder Scripts.
Först uppladdad: 30 juli 2022
Senast uppdaterad: 22 september 2023
Senast nedladdad: 1 timma sedan
I solved my problem, in my mods folder there was a defaults.meta of the old version. So there was no input for eat and armour. I copied these inputs from the new default.meta file.
6 augusti 2022 -
Hey, this mod is a nice idea, but sadly it will delete all my drive-by weapons whenever I enter a car.
10 augusti 2022 -
Can you please fix the bug, that you can drop weapons while switching weapons when driving?
13 november 2022 -
You can also use this mod when just scrolling weapons without using the weapon wheel menu (TAB). Bug or feature?
13 november 2022 -
Also when you drop your gun and pick it up again, it won't have its attachments.
13 november 2022 -
whoaw finally.. must have MOD😎😎😎 i can drop weaponS without messing with the in game files like the pickups 2.0 mod😒... unfortunately weapons drop whenever i switch to a different weapon in a vehicle...
6 december 2022 -
Hi there. Is there any way to disable the weapon drop feature? As other have said, it's buggy when you change weapons while driving and also removes the addons of the weapon. Also, I can't find the option to reassing the button in the settings.
Also it'd be nice to know how many snacks you have left.
15 februari 2023 -
Yeah, an update to this mod would be hugely appreciated. Firstly, as many others have pointed out, the dropping weapons feature needs to be disabled when the player is in a vehicle. Secondly, It'd be great if the MP character, or any ped, could also have a storage of snacks and armor. Maybe add entries to a SnacksDB.ini with the ped hash and their snack and armor inventory? This mod has a lot of potential, and with a little more work will be a must have!
29 juni 2023 -
I like the idea of this mod, but pressing b to drop a weapon even when the wheel isnt up is a pain in the ass. I droped my gold played SNS pistol and when I picked it up it was just a regular one :(
18 augusti 2023 -
Glad to see the mod updated to SHVDN3! Have any of the above issues I mentioned been addressed?
23 september 2023 -
Hmm, would you consider adding custom loadouts for all 3 characters in order to stop the mk2 and other dlc weapons from despawning from player inventory after switching chars, completing missions and loading savegames?
3 oktober 2023 -
@andre500 Does this features mkii weapons when I use simple trainer and spawn all weapons and when I close the game the weapons I spawned especially mkii and online weapons aren't saved it is really annoying. So will this mod save them after I close the game?
31 oktober 2023 -
Mod is definitely nice, but like people above, I can drop weapons outside the weapon wheel anywhere and, like them, also lose all attachments when on the ground, though I think the latter attachment part might be a limitation of GTA V as cops I have installed also have attachments on their weapons, but they lose said attachments when the cops die and the weapon becomes a pickup. But definitely the dropping weapons outside of the wheel is a bit frustrating, especially addon weapons that I manually added attachments to.
29 september 2024 -
If you have any questions about the mod, want to report a bug, or suggest an idea, join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/vvxmKP5y5J