Alternate handbrake control for ikt's Manual Transmission [.OIV] 1.0a
Changes the handbrake control for the XBOX 360 controller for better drifts while shifting through the gears.
New commands:
Press B on the controller for handbrake, RB for ducking, and pressing the right stick for cinematic view.
So using ikt's stock control mapping, LeftThumbDown would be clutch, X is downshift, A is upshift, and B is handbrake, while RB is ducking. This makes the controls feel a bit more similar to other racing games, since using RB for handbrake just don't feel right to me.
* found a small bug in the mission where you have to retrieve the janitor uniform by waiting to check license plate numbers, the game indicates to use R3 to zoom at plates, but it doesn't work for some reason, so just use your keyboard and press R to check the plates. Otherwise, the button swap works like the vanilla B button for the cinematic cam.
1. Download and install OpenIV.
2. Install via the .OIV package installation feature using OpenIV.
3. Make sure that alternate handbrake is on for the in-game settings.
1. Same step as installation except choose the "Simcade Uninstaller.oiv" file for the .OIV package.
Update log:
V1.0: Release.
V1.0a: Made a .OIV package for easy install and uninstall.
New commands:
Press B on the controller for handbrake, RB for ducking, and pressing the right stick for cinematic view.
So using ikt's stock control mapping, LeftThumbDown would be clutch, X is downshift, A is upshift, and B is handbrake, while RB is ducking. This makes the controls feel a bit more similar to other racing games, since using RB for handbrake just don't feel right to me.
* found a small bug in the mission where you have to retrieve the janitor uniform by waiting to check license plate numbers, the game indicates to use R3 to zoom at plates, but it doesn't work for some reason, so just use your keyboard and press R to check the plates. Otherwise, the button swap works like the vanilla B button for the cinematic cam.
1. Download and install OpenIV.
2. Install via the .OIV package installation feature using OpenIV.
3. Make sure that alternate handbrake is on for the in-game settings.
1. Same step as installation except choose the "Simcade Uninstaller.oiv" file for the .OIV package.
Update log:
V1.0: Release.
V1.0a: Made a .OIV package for easy install and uninstall.
Först uppladdad: 6 februari 2016
Senast uppdaterad: 28 april 2019
Senast nedladdad: 2 dagar sen
23 Kommentarer
More mods by chang63:
Changes the handbrake control for the XBOX 360 controller for better drifts while shifting through the gears.
New commands:
Press B on the controller for handbrake, RB for ducking, and pressing the right stick for cinematic view.
So using ikt's stock control mapping, LeftThumbDown would be clutch, X is downshift, A is upshift, and B is handbrake, while RB is ducking. This makes the controls feel a bit more similar to other racing games, since using RB for handbrake just don't feel right to me.
* found a small bug in the mission where you have to retrieve the janitor uniform by waiting to check license plate numbers, the game indicates to use R3 to zoom at plates, but it doesn't work for some reason, so just use your keyboard and press R to check the plates. Otherwise, the button swap works like the vanilla B button for the cinematic cam.
1. Download and install OpenIV.
2. Install via the .OIV package installation feature using OpenIV.
3. Make sure that alternate handbrake is on for the in-game settings.
1. Same step as installation except choose the "Simcade Uninstaller.oiv" file for the .OIV package.
Update log:
V1.0: Release.
V1.0a: Made a .OIV package for easy install and uninstall.
New commands:
Press B on the controller for handbrake, RB for ducking, and pressing the right stick for cinematic view.
So using ikt's stock control mapping, LeftThumbDown would be clutch, X is downshift, A is upshift, and B is handbrake, while RB is ducking. This makes the controls feel a bit more similar to other racing games, since using RB for handbrake just don't feel right to me.
* found a small bug in the mission where you have to retrieve the janitor uniform by waiting to check license plate numbers, the game indicates to use R3 to zoom at plates, but it doesn't work for some reason, so just use your keyboard and press R to check the plates. Otherwise, the button swap works like the vanilla B button for the cinematic cam.
1. Download and install OpenIV.
2. Install via the .OIV package installation feature using OpenIV.
3. Make sure that alternate handbrake is on for the in-game settings.
1. Same step as installation except choose the "Simcade Uninstaller.oiv" file for the .OIV package.
Update log:
V1.0: Release.
V1.0a: Made a .OIV package for easy install and uninstall.
Först uppladdad: 6 februari 2016
Senast uppdaterad: 28 april 2019
Senast nedladdad: 2 dagar sen
Possible to have it so X doesn't change weapon while using the clutch to shift down?
@paulalex90 I am glad you like it
@minato I think it might be possible (not entirely sure though), but what button do you want to map it to?
@chang63 I wouldn't have a clue on that one, maybe have LB to change it and RB just aims and shoots.
I found a workaround by installing a car control script
Hmm I can't turn it on in-game settings, there is no option for ikt's stock control mapping... Do I do something wrong or i miss something. About files are installed and still cant find option. Could i just add it in to default...
Can you please explain last part of installation in detail? Thanks!
@Raketa my mod is a simple drag and drop to the specified directory, so I'm not exactly sure what you meant... If it's about the in-game setting, then go to the controller and select the alternative handbrake control scheme, which in the vanilla game switches the duck and handbrake button, leaving duck for RB and handbrake for A, so with my edits it will be RB to duck and B to handbrake, leaving A and X for upshift and downshifts on ikt's mod. For the cinematic cam, it will be R3, or the right stick button (somewhat buggy on certain missions but should generally work in general)
@minato well that workaround seems to be working for me too :)
but yeah it's pretty hard to find a button that dowsnt hinder other buttons, the only one i can think of is probably the horn button, but if I take it out, somehow other functions may also get messed up (tried experimenting with it but to no avail...)
@chang63 I got it working, eventually XD Great mod 5 stars man!
@Raketa glad you got it working, and thanks for the rating!
@MrSandwiich thanks, n sorry it took several months for me to reply haha
hey man I'm using this and manual transmission by ikt but I have one problem. I'm playing on xbox 360 controller and handbraking with B sometimes trigger the gear switch(sequential, auto, H). any work around on that?
@szhitt Been using his mod since his release, and can't say I ever had that problem... Maybe some of the keys are sticking or your wireless receiver is glitching, cause I'm also using an X360 controller (Halo Reach version :P) with some shady cheap-ass aftermarket receiver, works for the most part but the only problem that might be close to yours is when I use the realistic brake and reverse feature, everytime I hit the brakes using LT, character breaks the window as if trying to shoot from it (like I'm pressing LB), not too big of a problem on my end, just some nuances... Try reinstalling your controller driver, maybe that will help, as it sometimes does for me
@cbaabc yes, it should, but I've got an update on the way soon just to change a few more buttons to be more "ergonomic" I guess without disabling other vehicle controls via ikt's manual transmission mod menu (like changing weapons or ducking)
@szhitt Oh, after reading back at your question, forget what I've said earlier... The solution that I am currently using is to simply disable the "B" button gear switch in ikt's menu for the mod, and just leave the shortcut to change shift modes on the keyboard
updated to support .OIV package install
Will this work without the manual transmission mod? It annoys me that RB is handbrake and not B.
overbearing,good work!
@QBit07 without the MT mod, you can just use the RB/A swap, but it should work without it