[UPDATED] GTAV - Enhanced Taxi Missions [.NET][Controller Support] 2.2
30 december 2021
[UPDATED] GTAV - Enhanced Taxi Missions [.NET][Controller Support]
This MOD was originally created and maintained by @LCBuffalo until v1.4.
Unfortunately, due to no updates to the mod, and no responses after contacting him on GTAForums and GTA5-Mods, I've started working on the mod by adding new features and fixing different bugs, in the end releasing v1.5.
Without his extensive work, we wouldn't have had this mod, so @LCBuffalo thank you for your time in creating this.
As a side not, I'm pretty much a beginner in .NET, with just a few days experince in it, experince gained while working at release v1.5 and v1.51. Therefore I'm continuosly learning new things and try to do implementations as good as I can, currently, so if you find any bugs or have any suggestion, please let me know as I'll be more than happy to acquire even more knowledge.
Lots of thanks to @LCBuffalo, multiple devs who came with answers when I had questions ( you know yourselves ), and other people who came with suggestions!
[ORIGINAL] GTAV - Enhanced Taxi Missions [.NET] - https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/enhanced-taxi-missions
REPOSITORY - https://gitlab.com/g2576/gtav-enhanced-taxi-missions
GTA V's default taxi missions aren't bad, but they lack variety. It seems like Rockstar only used about 10 pre-defined pick-up and drop-off locations.
The goal of Enhanced Taxi Missions is to do it better and bring more variety to your taxi-driving adventures! See the feature list further down for more information.
- Rating System! Now passengers can rate you, and give you a rating between 1.00 and 5.00 based on the way you have driven, the speed you have driven, and if you have hit any peds/animals/cars! Some of the customers that have a rating lower than 2.0, might run away and not pay the ride! Customer and player rating will also be shown with different colours, based on how low or high is it. The player can not rate the clients to keep things simple, and also does not provide much of a point to do that as the customers will always have different ratings. The system can be either disabled or enabled.
- Controller support! D-PAD, back buttons and triggers can be customized.
- Now you can use vehicles with at least 2 seats! This includes every vehicle with at least 2 seats ( at least 1 passenger seat available ), and also motorbikes/quad bikes as well - in this case, the ped won't be knocked off the vehicle, except when it dies. When the mod is toggled while in a 2 seat vehicles, it will automatically spawn only one passenger for pick up.
- When on motorbikes/quad the passengers will randomly put on helmets. Note that the helmet can not be put on while driving, so a small stop is necessary.
- Random number of passengers for each trip ( between 1 and 3 )
- Over 950 individual pick-up and drop-off locations
- Pick-up locations and destinations change depending on the time of day ( people go to work in the morning, home in the evening, to clubs and restaurants at night, etc. )
- Player is paid based on distance between pick-up and drop-off locations. Base fare is $6, and every mile driven is $20.
- Random peds on the street may hail player if driving a taxi cab. ( This may still be a bit buggy, sometimes peds are on balconies and can't get down. They will eventually warp into the car. )
- Passengers will not get into a car if it's more than 25% damaged. Any collisions that occur during your trip will cause your passengers to pay less. ( Minor scrapes and bumps won't be noticed, unless there are a lot of them. )
- The customers are more reactive! If you shoot out of the car or being shot at while driving to destination/picking them up, will cause them to abort the mission and flee.
Toggle missions:
- Keyboard: Press the T ( TOGGLE_KEY ) key.
- Controller: Simultaneously press PadRight ( TOGGLE_CONTROLLER_1 ) and LB ( TOGGLE_CONTROLLER_2 ).
Cancel Rides ( Can't do this if the customer is already in the vehicle - you can toggle the ETM off and on, though ):
- Keyboard: Press the R ( CANCEL_RIDE ) key.
- Controller: Simultaneously press PadRight ( CANCEL_RIDE_CONTROLLER_1 ) and RB ( CANCEL_RIDE_CONTROLLER_2 ).
If a passenger gets stuck while trying enter the vehicle, horn to have the passenger retry entering the car. If they still won't move, just wait, they will eventually warp into the car ( default timeout is set to 8 seconds ). Pressing the horn key on TAXI is safe, as it won't trigger the stock missions.
Once you've picked up a passenger, a countdown timer will appear on the UI. As long as it's green, your tip will be 40% of the fare. Once the timer turns yellow, your tip will start to decrease. Once the timer reaches zero, you will not receive a tip. However, you can still complete the mission and receive the base fare.
- .NET Framework 4.8 runtime ( don't know for sure if it is necessary, but its better to have it ) - https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-framework/net48
- Script Hook V - https://www.gta5-mods.com/tools/script-hook-v
- Script Hook V Dot Net & the dependencies - https://www.gta5-mods.com/tools/scripthookv-net
- If you update from a version previous to 2.0 be sure that EnhancedTaxiMissions.vb is removed, as now it will be compiled. In any case, If you have an old .dll or .vb version of this mod installed, remove it.
- Place the EnhancedTaxiMissions.dll and EnhancedTaxiMissions.ini files into the "scripts" folder in your main GTAV directory. Create the folder if it doesn't exist.
Edit the values in EnhancedTaxiMissions.ini to customize the experience to your taste.
Please note that if the script can't find the EnhancedTaxiMissions.ini file, it will revert to the default values.
Keyboard valid keys are "A" through "Z", "0" through "9", and "F1" through "F12".
Controller valid buttons are "LB", "RB", "LT", "RT", "LS", "RS", "PadUp", "PadDown", "PadLeft", "PadRight".
- TAXI_DRIVER_TITLE: The title to appear on menu when doing missions with a taxi. Defaults to "Taxi Driver".
- LIMOUSINE_DRIVER_TITLE: The title to appear on menu when doing missions with the stretch. Defaults to "Limousine Driver".
- GENERIC_DRIVER_TITLE: The title to appear on menu when doing missions with a generic vehicle. Defaults to "Ride Share Driver".
- TOGGLE_KEY: Mission start keyboard key. Defaults to "T".
- TOGGLE_CONTROLLER_1: Mission start controller button 1. Defaults to "PadRight".
- TOGGLE_CONTROLLER_2: Mission start controller button 2. Defaults to "LB".
- CANCEL_RIDE_KEY: Cancel rides keyboard key. Can't cancel if customer is in vehicle. Defaults to "R".
- CANCEL_RIDE_CONTROLLER_1: Cancel rides controller button 1. Defaults to "PadRight".
- CANCEL_RIDE_CONTROLLER_2: Cancel rides controller button 2. Defaults to "RB".
- RATING_SYSTEM: Enable or disable the rating system. Disabling the system will disable different ped scenarios based on their rating, and the rating completely. Can be 1 for enable or 0 for disabled. Defaults to "1" ( on )
- PLAYER_RATING: The player rating to start with for doing ETM with RATING_SYSTEM enabled. Can be any value between 1.00 to 5.00 ( e.g. 4.63 ). Defaults to 5.00.
- UNITS: Valid options are "KM" for kilometers and "MI" for miles. Defaults to "KM".
- FARE_PER_MILE: Amount the player earns per mile driven with a customer on board. Defaults to "20".
- AVERAGE_SPEED: Number used to calculate how quickly you need to arrive at your destination in order to receive a tip. Higher numbers mean you need to drive faster. 80 is a good number for those of you who want to drive as fast as possible. 20 is a good number for those of you who like to follow the rules while driving. Change it to suit your playstyle. Defaults to "65".
- ENTER_TIMEOUT: The timeout value in seconds for the passenger to automatically warp into the vehicle. Defaults to 8 seconds.
- HAZARD_LIGHTS: Enter 1 to use flashing hazard lights while you're waiting for your passengers to enter and exit the vehicle. Enter 0 to turn the function off. Defaults to "0" ( off ).
- AUTOSAVE: Enter 1 to enable autosaving after each successfully completed fare. Defaults to "0" ( off ).
- Starting ETM while a stock one is in progress, will keep the default taxi missions disabled until you reload a save or restart the game. This seems to be due to a bug in the game itself, probably. If the stock missions matter for you, be sure that you don't have any stock mission ongoing while toggling ON the ETM.
- If peds are startled while walking to your car (e.g., nearly run over by another driver), they may lose focus and just stand around. Honk your horn to reset their pathfinding algorithm. They will eventually warp into your car if it takes them too long to get to you or if there is an obstruction.
- Controller buttons as D-PAD, back buttons and triggers can be customized now. Therefore new customizations values have been added ( TOGGLE_CONTROLLER_1, TOGGLE_CONTROLLER_2, CANCEL_RIDE_CONTROLLER_1, CANCEL_RIDE_CONTROLLER_2 ). Valid options are "LB", "RB", "LT", "RT", "LS", "RS", "PadUp", "PadDown", "PadLeft", "PadRight".
- Fixed rating overlapping on resolutions <= 1920x1080.
- Fixed 2 locations where pickUp/dropOff coordinate was unfit ( Puerto Del Sol Yacht Club and Guido's Takeout ). Thanks @GamerBoi42!
- Fixed drop off timer when it is higher than 1 hour. Thanks again to @GamerBoi42 for pointing out this totally obvious issue that I've missed!
- Changed some customization names ( TOGGLE_KEY, CANCEL_RIDE_KEY, ENTER_TIMEOUT).
- Made some variables public, to keep them arranged a bit.
- Rating System! Now passengers can rate you, and give you a rating between 1.00 and 5.00 based on the way you have driven, the speed you have driven, and if you have hit any peds/animals/cars! Some of the customers that have a rating lower than 2.0, might run away and not pay the ride! Customer and player rating will also be shown with different colours, based on how low or high is it.The player can not rate the clients to keep things simple, and also does not provide much of a point to do that as the customers will always have different ratings. The system can be either disabled or enabled in the .ini config file with "RATING_SYSTEM" set to 0 or 1. Big thanks to the user who gave me some recommandations about this system. Unfortunately I can not find the message from you anymore, but if you see this, big thanks for the insights!
- Controller support has been added! Press LS and RS on the controller at the same time to toggle the ETM and D-PAD Right and RB buttons simultaneously to cancel a ride. For the moment these are not configurable. Tested only with Xbox controllers. Should work with others as well.
- Ability to cancel a ride. This will work with both rating system enabled or disabled.
- Add customer comments on overspeed, car crashes, and running over pedestrians or animals.
- Fixed the time left for drop off. Instead of seconds, now it displays in MM:SS format.
- Fixed 3 locations where peds were spawning totally wrong ( Robert Dazzler, Kayton Banking and can't remember the third ).
- Fixed the script crash that occured during the player exiting the car while the customers were getting to the vehicle. Now if the player exits on pick up, the customers will wait for him to get in the car.
- Fixed the script crash that occured during car exit on customers drop off.
- Re-arrange lots and lots of things
- MAJOR UPDATE: SWITCHED TO SHVDN V3 - rewritten a big part of the script to update the calls to ScriptHookVDotNet V3, as it gives much more room for features and bug fixes. Together with this, now the script will be compiled, in order to remove from SHVDN the overhead of compiling. Don't worry, the script is, and will always be open source, as @LCBuffalo seems to have intended. It is present here: https://gitlab.com/g2576/gtav-enhanced-taxi-missions . As these are major changes, I decided to jump directly to V2.0. With this update, I recommend to open issues in gitlab if you find any bug, or come with merge requests if you have any recommendations.
- The customers are more reactive! If you shoot out of the car or you're being shot at while driving to destination/picking them up, will make them to abort the mission and flee. For this feature, I kindly ask you to provide feedback, so if you consider it irritating, I will add the posibility to disable this, in the future updates.
- Increase the ammount of money some random peds will carry with them. This doesn't mean a higher pay for the cab, but maybe you can convince them to give it to you? :)
- The stock taxi missions will be disabled only while doing ETM, so pressing the horn will not activate them, unless you stop ETM. With this update, I have now removed the option for alternative Taxi horn. BUG: - Starting ETM while a stock one is in progress, will keep the default taxi missions disabled until you reload the save or restart the game. This seems to be due to a bug in the game itself, probably. If the stock missions matter for you, be sure that you don't have any stock mission ongoing while toggling ON the ETM.
- The GPS route will disappear no more, as well as it will stop flickering. This took quite a while to fix, as I discovered a new bug where the route will disappear after accesing certain parts of the map. The route is now set with the waypoint, therefore setting a waypoint on the map while doing ETM will be disabled.
- Pedestrians around the customers and the customers as well can now be shot, at pick up. Nobody stops you now, but why would you do that?
- Fix "Bay City Ave" location where the customer was spawning out of the map.
- Motorbikes should not have any issues with the pick up marker anymore. Maybe conflicted with other mods?
- Rewrite all V2 calls to V3 SHVDN
- Redo some of the classes and fix some unclosed tasks which kept memory occupied
- Update docs for V2
1.52: https://gitlab.com/g2576/gtav-enhanced-taxi-missions/-/releases/v1.52
1.51: https://gitlab.com/g2576/gtav-enhanced-taxi-missions/-/releases/v1.51
1.4: https://gitlab.com/g2576/gtav-enhanced-taxi-missions/-/releases/v1.4
Först uppladdad: 15 november 2021
Senast uppdaterad: 30 december 2021
Senast nedladdad: 2 timmar sedan
122 Kommentarer
[UPDATED] GTAV - Enhanced Taxi Missions [.NET][Controller Support]
This MOD was originally created and maintained by @LCBuffalo until v1.4.
Unfortunately, due to no updates to the mod, and no responses after contacting him on GTAForums and GTA5-Mods, I've started working on the mod by adding new features and fixing different bugs, in the end releasing v1.5.
Without his extensive work, we wouldn't have had this mod, so @LCBuffalo thank you for your time in creating this.
As a side not, I'm pretty much a beginner in .NET, with just a few days experince in it, experince gained while working at release v1.5 and v1.51. Therefore I'm continuosly learning new things and try to do implementations as good as I can, currently, so if you find any bugs or have any suggestion, please let me know as I'll be more than happy to acquire even more knowledge.
Lots of thanks to @LCBuffalo, multiple devs who came with answers when I had questions ( you know yourselves ), and other people who came with suggestions!
[ORIGINAL] GTAV - Enhanced Taxi Missions [.NET] - https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/enhanced-taxi-missions
REPOSITORY - https://gitlab.com/g2576/gtav-enhanced-taxi-missions
GTA V's default taxi missions aren't bad, but they lack variety. It seems like Rockstar only used about 10 pre-defined pick-up and drop-off locations.
The goal of Enhanced Taxi Missions is to do it better and bring more variety to your taxi-driving adventures! See the feature list further down for more information.
- Rating System! Now passengers can rate you, and give you a rating between 1.00 and 5.00 based on the way you have driven, the speed you have driven, and if you have hit any peds/animals/cars! Some of the customers that have a rating lower than 2.0, might run away and not pay the ride! Customer and player rating will also be shown with different colours, based on how low or high is it. The player can not rate the clients to keep things simple, and also does not provide much of a point to do that as the customers will always have different ratings. The system can be either disabled or enabled.
- Controller support! D-PAD, back buttons and triggers can be customized.
- Now you can use vehicles with at least 2 seats! This includes every vehicle with at least 2 seats ( at least 1 passenger seat available ), and also motorbikes/quad bikes as well - in this case, the ped won't be knocked off the vehicle, except when it dies. When the mod is toggled while in a 2 seat vehicles, it will automatically spawn only one passenger for pick up.
- When on motorbikes/quad the passengers will randomly put on helmets. Note that the helmet can not be put on while driving, so a small stop is necessary.
- Random number of passengers for each trip ( between 1 and 3 )
- Over 950 individual pick-up and drop-off locations
- Pick-up locations and destinations change depending on the time of day ( people go to work in the morning, home in the evening, to clubs and restaurants at night, etc. )
- Player is paid based on distance between pick-up and drop-off locations. Base fare is $6, and every mile driven is $20.
- Random peds on the street may hail player if driving a taxi cab. ( This may still be a bit buggy, sometimes peds are on balconies and can't get down. They will eventually warp into the car. )
- Passengers will not get into a car if it's more than 25% damaged. Any collisions that occur during your trip will cause your passengers to pay less. ( Minor scrapes and bumps won't be noticed, unless there are a lot of them. )
- The customers are more reactive! If you shoot out of the car or being shot at while driving to destination/picking them up, will cause them to abort the mission and flee.
Toggle missions:
- Keyboard: Press the T ( TOGGLE_KEY ) key.
- Controller: Simultaneously press PadRight ( TOGGLE_CONTROLLER_1 ) and LB ( TOGGLE_CONTROLLER_2 ).
Cancel Rides ( Can't do this if the customer is already in the vehicle - you can toggle the ETM off and on, though ):
- Keyboard: Press the R ( CANCEL_RIDE ) key.
- Controller: Simultaneously press PadRight ( CANCEL_RIDE_CONTROLLER_1 ) and RB ( CANCEL_RIDE_CONTROLLER_2 ).
If a passenger gets stuck while trying enter the vehicle, horn to have the passenger retry entering the car. If they still won't move, just wait, they will eventually warp into the car ( default timeout is set to 8 seconds ). Pressing the horn key on TAXI is safe, as it won't trigger the stock missions.
Once you've picked up a passenger, a countdown timer will appear on the UI. As long as it's green, your tip will be 40% of the fare. Once the timer turns yellow, your tip will start to decrease. Once the timer reaches zero, you will not receive a tip. However, you can still complete the mission and receive the base fare.
- .NET Framework 4.8 runtime ( don't know for sure if it is necessary, but its better to have it ) - https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-framework/net48
- Script Hook V - https://www.gta5-mods.com/tools/script-hook-v
- Script Hook V Dot Net & the dependencies - https://www.gta5-mods.com/tools/scripthookv-net
- If you update from a version previous to 2.0 be sure that EnhancedTaxiMissions.vb is removed, as now it will be compiled. In any case, If you have an old .dll or .vb version of this mod installed, remove it.
- Place the EnhancedTaxiMissions.dll and EnhancedTaxiMissions.ini files into the "scripts" folder in your main GTAV directory. Create the folder if it doesn't exist.
Edit the values in EnhancedTaxiMissions.ini to customize the experience to your taste.
Please note that if the script can't find the EnhancedTaxiMissions.ini file, it will revert to the default values.
Keyboard valid keys are "A" through "Z", "0" through "9", and "F1" through "F12".
Controller valid buttons are "LB", "RB", "LT", "RT", "LS", "RS", "PadUp", "PadDown", "PadLeft", "PadRight".
- TAXI_DRIVER_TITLE: The title to appear on menu when doing missions with a taxi. Defaults to "Taxi Driver".
- LIMOUSINE_DRIVER_TITLE: The title to appear on menu when doing missions with the stretch. Defaults to "Limousine Driver".
- GENERIC_DRIVER_TITLE: The title to appear on menu when doing missions with a generic vehicle. Defaults to "Ride Share Driver".
- TOGGLE_KEY: Mission start keyboard key. Defaults to "T".
- TOGGLE_CONTROLLER_1: Mission start controller button 1. Defaults to "PadRight".
- TOGGLE_CONTROLLER_2: Mission start controller button 2. Defaults to "LB".
- CANCEL_RIDE_KEY: Cancel rides keyboard key. Can't cancel if customer is in vehicle. Defaults to "R".
- CANCEL_RIDE_CONTROLLER_1: Cancel rides controller button 1. Defaults to "PadRight".
- CANCEL_RIDE_CONTROLLER_2: Cancel rides controller button 2. Defaults to "RB".
- RATING_SYSTEM: Enable or disable the rating system. Disabling the system will disable different ped scenarios based on their rating, and the rating completely. Can be 1 for enable or 0 for disabled. Defaults to "1" ( on )
- PLAYER_RATING: The player rating to start with for doing ETM with RATING_SYSTEM enabled. Can be any value between 1.00 to 5.00 ( e.g. 4.63 ). Defaults to 5.00.
- UNITS: Valid options are "KM" for kilometers and "MI" for miles. Defaults to "KM".
- FARE_PER_MILE: Amount the player earns per mile driven with a customer on board. Defaults to "20".
- AVERAGE_SPEED: Number used to calculate how quickly you need to arrive at your destination in order to receive a tip. Higher numbers mean you need to drive faster. 80 is a good number for those of you who want to drive as fast as possible. 20 is a good number for those of you who like to follow the rules while driving. Change it to suit your playstyle. Defaults to "65".
- ENTER_TIMEOUT: The timeout value in seconds for the passenger to automatically warp into the vehicle. Defaults to 8 seconds.
- HAZARD_LIGHTS: Enter 1 to use flashing hazard lights while you're waiting for your passengers to enter and exit the vehicle. Enter 0 to turn the function off. Defaults to "0" ( off ).
- AUTOSAVE: Enter 1 to enable autosaving after each successfully completed fare. Defaults to "0" ( off ).
- Starting ETM while a stock one is in progress, will keep the default taxi missions disabled until you reload a save or restart the game. This seems to be due to a bug in the game itself, probably. If the stock missions matter for you, be sure that you don't have any stock mission ongoing while toggling ON the ETM.
- If peds are startled while walking to your car (e.g., nearly run over by another driver), they may lose focus and just stand around. Honk your horn to reset their pathfinding algorithm. They will eventually warp into your car if it takes them too long to get to you or if there is an obstruction.
- Controller buttons as D-PAD, back buttons and triggers can be customized now. Therefore new customizations values have been added ( TOGGLE_CONTROLLER_1, TOGGLE_CONTROLLER_2, CANCEL_RIDE_CONTROLLER_1, CANCEL_RIDE_CONTROLLER_2 ). Valid options are "LB", "RB", "LT", "RT", "LS", "RS", "PadUp", "PadDown", "PadLeft", "PadRight".
- Fixed rating overlapping on resolutions <= 1920x1080.
- Fixed 2 locations where pickUp/dropOff coordinate was unfit ( Puerto Del Sol Yacht Club and Guido's Takeout ). Thanks @GamerBoi42!
- Fixed drop off timer when it is higher than 1 hour. Thanks again to @GamerBoi42 for pointing out this totally obvious issue that I've missed!
- Changed some customization names ( TOGGLE_KEY, CANCEL_RIDE_KEY, ENTER_TIMEOUT).
- Made some variables public, to keep them arranged a bit.
- Rating System! Now passengers can rate you, and give you a rating between 1.00 and 5.00 based on the way you have driven, the speed you have driven, and if you have hit any peds/animals/cars! Some of the customers that have a rating lower than 2.0, might run away and not pay the ride! Customer and player rating will also be shown with different colours, based on how low or high is it.The player can not rate the clients to keep things simple, and also does not provide much of a point to do that as the customers will always have different ratings. The system can be either disabled or enabled in the .ini config file with "RATING_SYSTEM" set to 0 or 1. Big thanks to the user who gave me some recommandations about this system. Unfortunately I can not find the message from you anymore, but if you see this, big thanks for the insights!
- Controller support has been added! Press LS and RS on the controller at the same time to toggle the ETM and D-PAD Right and RB buttons simultaneously to cancel a ride. For the moment these are not configurable. Tested only with Xbox controllers. Should work with others as well.
- Ability to cancel a ride. This will work with both rating system enabled or disabled.
- Add customer comments on overspeed, car crashes, and running over pedestrians or animals.
- Fixed the time left for drop off. Instead of seconds, now it displays in MM:SS format.
- Fixed 3 locations where peds were spawning totally wrong ( Robert Dazzler, Kayton Banking and can't remember the third ).
- Fixed the script crash that occured during the player exiting the car while the customers were getting to the vehicle. Now if the player exits on pick up, the customers will wait for him to get in the car.
- Fixed the script crash that occured during car exit on customers drop off.
- Re-arrange lots and lots of things
- MAJOR UPDATE: SWITCHED TO SHVDN V3 - rewritten a big part of the script to update the calls to ScriptHookVDotNet V3, as it gives much more room for features and bug fixes. Together with this, now the script will be compiled, in order to remove from SHVDN the overhead of compiling. Don't worry, the script is, and will always be open source, as @LCBuffalo seems to have intended. It is present here: https://gitlab.com/g2576/gtav-enhanced-taxi-missions . As these are major changes, I decided to jump directly to V2.0. With this update, I recommend to open issues in gitlab if you find any bug, or come with merge requests if you have any recommendations.
- The customers are more reactive! If you shoot out of the car or you're being shot at while driving to destination/picking them up, will make them to abort the mission and flee. For this feature, I kindly ask you to provide feedback, so if you consider it irritating, I will add the posibility to disable this, in the future updates.
- Increase the ammount of money some random peds will carry with them. This doesn't mean a higher pay for the cab, but maybe you can convince them to give it to you? :)
- The stock taxi missions will be disabled only while doing ETM, so pressing the horn will not activate them, unless you stop ETM. With this update, I have now removed the option for alternative Taxi horn. BUG: - Starting ETM while a stock one is in progress, will keep the default taxi missions disabled until you reload the save or restart the game. This seems to be due to a bug in the game itself, probably. If the stock missions matter for you, be sure that you don't have any stock mission ongoing while toggling ON the ETM.
- The GPS route will disappear no more, as well as it will stop flickering. This took quite a while to fix, as I discovered a new bug where the route will disappear after accesing certain parts of the map. The route is now set with the waypoint, therefore setting a waypoint on the map while doing ETM will be disabled.
- Pedestrians around the customers and the customers as well can now be shot, at pick up. Nobody stops you now, but why would you do that?
- Fix "Bay City Ave" location where the customer was spawning out of the map.
- Motorbikes should not have any issues with the pick up marker anymore. Maybe conflicted with other mods?
- Rewrite all V2 calls to V3 SHVDN
- Redo some of the classes and fix some unclosed tasks which kept memory occupied
- Update docs for V2
1.52: https://gitlab.com/g2576/gtav-enhanced-taxi-missions/-/releases/v1.52
1.51: https://gitlab.com/g2576/gtav-enhanced-taxi-missions/-/releases/v1.51
1.4: https://gitlab.com/g2576/gtav-enhanced-taxi-missions/-/releases/v1.4
Först uppladdad: 15 november 2021
Senast uppdaterad: 30 december 2021
Senast nedladdad: 2 timmar sedan
@sezbulent maybe try to update the mod and instead of per mile basis, make it per time and mile basis, like for players who likes to obey traffic rules, they are being paid the same way with even more time. and try to make passenger ride the back seat instead of front, and being able to rob the passenger in a secluded area.
9 maj 2023 -
I have a customer inside a closed Ammu-Nation and unable to pick them up. Overall works.
11 augusti 2023 -
I really like this mod. But is it possible to change the number of passenger to like (between 1-6) instead of (between 1-3) ? Maybe as an option in the .ini File.
I tried to do it myself with the code, but I´m a noob with coding and I just screwed everything up.30 augusti 2023 -
@sezbulent Passengers default to back seat if available.. can this be a thing? I've never gotten in the front seat of an Uber, y'know? Otherwise this mod is absolutely fantastic. Revitalized my interest in this game, to be honest.
23 september 2023 -
Doing Enhanced Taxi jobs with a Frogger helicopter reminds me of Sim Chopper a LOT, it's fantastic.
26 september 2023 -
⚠ At some pickup locations, customer(s) spawn inside the clothing/tattoo shop, I need to press my horn button a lot to get the customer(s) out, because they can't get out from those shops on their own!
26 november 2023 -
Is there a way I can have the passengers get into the back seat instead of the front passenger seat?
3 december 2023 -
@sezbulent There's a customer pickup point near this location (custom locations can't be marked):
⚠ When this mod gives that location, the marker (what indicates where to stop) is in the property at the house's entrance, but the passenger spawns outside in the middle of the road. Could you fix this problem?5 januari 2024 -
@sezbulent 💡 Please add these ini settings:
• "backfirst" ‒ if this setting is set to 1, passengers take the two back seats in the vehicle first (if there's any)
• "timeprice" ‒ if this setting is set to 1, the price would be calculated by how long it take to deliver the customer
• "basetimeprice" ‒ price in $ per minute when "timeprice" set to 1 (e.g. 0.25)
• "freeride" ‒ if this setting is set to 1, no timer for delivering the customer and the ride is free (no price)5 januari 2024 -
I also had this problem, I think maybe a house next door, the passenger was in the yard and I was in the street waiting, but he didn't move, even though I honked the horn.
@sezbulent Thanks for the mod bro, now I can just drive around and customers show up.
I only missed a few details, like the taxi light turning on when we are free and turning off when we have passengers and some kind of greeting when we pick up or drop off passengers.
The rating opens up a gap for "greetings", if you(and/or passanger) have a bad rating, you(and/or passanger) could be a rude person. (playing with a character who has a line, like Franklin, Michael or Trevor, of course).6 januari 2024 -
hi i was playing with this mod previously but now my game crashes after pressing T key on the keyboard i am playing on the version 3274 and also have some other mods may be this is the reason
30 juli 2024 -
Same thing for me. I don't even have other mods installed at the moment. I've made sure to have the latest version of Scripthook/dotnet and everything. I've reinstalled the game (had to download all 112gb or so) still doesen't work. It crashes when i press T just as ima2k6 said.
3 augusti 2024 -
Everything is working fine after installing this version of the script hook (ScriptHookVDotNet-v3.6.0-nightly.117)
4 augusti 2024 -
FYI: This mod still works with the latest version of Script Hook V Dot Net Nightly Version 119
7 september 2024 -
Whenever a npc tries to get on my vehicle, They just failed to open the vehicle door then stand there waiting. No matter how many times i honked. Is there any way to fix this issue?
26 januari 2025
- Controller buttons as D-PAD, back buttons and triggers can be customized now. Therefore new customizations values have been added ( TOGGLE_CONTROLLER_1, TOGGLE_CONTROLLER_2, CANCEL_RIDE_CONTROLLER_1, CANCEL_RIDE_CONTROLLER_2 ). Valid options are "LB", "RB", "LT", "RT", "LS", "RS", "PadUp", "PadDown", "PadLeft", "PadRight".
- Fixed rating overlapping on resolutions <= 1920x1080.
- Fixed 2 locations where pickUp/dropOff coordinate was unfit ( Puerto Del Sol Yacht Club and Guido's Takeout ). Thanks @GamerBoi42!
- Fixed drop off timer when it is higher than 1 hour. Thanks again to @GamerBoi42 for pointing out this totally obvious issue that I've missed!
- Changed some customization names ( TOGGLE_KEY, CANCEL_RIDE_KEY, ENTER_TIMEOUT).
- Made some variables public, to keep them arranged a bit.