Toddler Carry Mod for INSANOGAMES toddler/baby peds 2 Babies and the Script
This mod was made for INSANOGAMES Toddler and Baby peds mods. Includes 1 toddler. Find more models here:
This mod requires ScriptHookV installed.
This is a Lua mod so you need Lua installed.
You can carry child in arm or on shoulders. Last baby set down will follow Player ped.
Script can spawn either one or two children, no trainer needed.
Player usually will pick up the child you are facing, sometimes if player is not directly facing child the last child will want to ride.
So you can spawn more children with trainer, if you added child name to Script it can identify up to 12 baby models.
Configurable hot keys, customizable baby names.
Script opens with notepad or better
Hotkeys are at top of script, configurable baby names are just below. Notes in script to help know what to change. Key codes can be found in GTA V/scripts folder location. Keys.lua which as I said opens in notepad or notepad plus plus.
To uninstall simply delete:
Toddler carry.lua
I will include images for keypresses but basically it uses 2 NumPad keys.(to avoid conflict with other mods I use 2 keys pressed at same time.)
Spawn 1 child:
ADD key plus NumPad 1
Spawn 2 kids:
ADD key plus NumPad 2
Carry on left arm:
Delete plus NumPad 1
Ride on shoulders:
Delete plus NumPad 2
Set child down:
Delete plus NumPad 0
This mod requires ScriptHookV installed.
This is a Lua mod so you need Lua installed.
You can carry child in arm or on shoulders. Last baby set down will follow Player ped.
Script can spawn either one or two children, no trainer needed.
Player usually will pick up the child you are facing, sometimes if player is not directly facing child the last child will want to ride.
So you can spawn more children with trainer, if you added child name to Script it can identify up to 12 baby models.
Configurable hot keys, customizable baby names.
Script opens with notepad or better
Hotkeys are at top of script, configurable baby names are just below. Notes in script to help know what to change. Key codes can be found in GTA V/scripts folder location. Keys.lua which as I said opens in notepad or notepad plus plus.
To uninstall simply delete:
Toddler carry.lua
I will include images for keypresses but basically it uses 2 NumPad keys.(to avoid conflict with other mods I use 2 keys pressed at same time.)
Spawn 1 child:
ADD key plus NumPad 1
Spawn 2 kids:
ADD key plus NumPad 2
Carry on left arm:
Delete plus NumPad 1
Ride on shoulders:
Delete plus NumPad 2
Set child down:
Delete plus NumPad 0
Först uppladdad: 28 februari 2021
Senast uppdaterad: 6 mars 2021
Senast nedladdad: 1 timma sedan
77 Kommentarer
More mods by N8Gamez:
This mod was made for INSANOGAMES Toddler and Baby peds mods. Includes 1 toddler. Find more models here:
This mod requires ScriptHookV installed.
This is a Lua mod so you need Lua installed.
You can carry child in arm or on shoulders. Last baby set down will follow Player ped.
Script can spawn either one or two children, no trainer needed.
Player usually will pick up the child you are facing, sometimes if player is not directly facing child the last child will want to ride.
So you can spawn more children with trainer, if you added child name to Script it can identify up to 12 baby models.
Configurable hot keys, customizable baby names.
Script opens with notepad or better
Hotkeys are at top of script, configurable baby names are just below. Notes in script to help know what to change. Key codes can be found in GTA V/scripts folder location. Keys.lua which as I said opens in notepad or notepad plus plus.
To uninstall simply delete:
Toddler carry.lua
I will include images for keypresses but basically it uses 2 NumPad keys.(to avoid conflict with other mods I use 2 keys pressed at same time.)
Spawn 1 child:
ADD key plus NumPad 1
Spawn 2 kids:
ADD key plus NumPad 2
Carry on left arm:
Delete plus NumPad 1
Ride on shoulders:
Delete plus NumPad 2
Set child down:
Delete plus NumPad 0
This mod requires ScriptHookV installed.
This is a Lua mod so you need Lua installed.
You can carry child in arm or on shoulders. Last baby set down will follow Player ped.
Script can spawn either one or two children, no trainer needed.
Player usually will pick up the child you are facing, sometimes if player is not directly facing child the last child will want to ride.
So you can spawn more children with trainer, if you added child name to Script it can identify up to 12 baby models.
Configurable hot keys, customizable baby names.
Script opens with notepad or better
Hotkeys are at top of script, configurable baby names are just below. Notes in script to help know what to change. Key codes can be found in GTA V/scripts folder location. Keys.lua which as I said opens in notepad or notepad plus plus.
To uninstall simply delete:
Toddler carry.lua
I will include images for keypresses but basically it uses 2 NumPad keys.(to avoid conflict with other mods I use 2 keys pressed at same time.)
Spawn 1 child:
ADD key plus NumPad 1
Spawn 2 kids:
ADD key plus NumPad 2
Carry on left arm:
Delete plus NumPad 1
Ride on shoulders:
Delete plus NumPad 2
Set child down:
Delete plus NumPad 0
Först uppladdad: 28 februari 2021
Senast uppdaterad: 6 mars 2021
Senast nedladdad: 1 timma sedan
Model default names are Baby_1 and Baby_12(they are Capitalized)
To customize Baby names you can go to :
and open Toddler_Carry.lua
with notepad++ ,(it's better than notepad and has line number).
eg changing Baby_1:
On line 60 you will see:
local Kido_1 = GAMEPLAY.GET_HASH_KEY("Baby_1")
Change Baby_1 to whatever you named when installing in add-on peds.(be sure to leave new name inside quotations eg:
While you have the script open look at lines:
31 through 47
they are hotkeys you can customize.
Keycodes can be found in
scripts folder look for keys.lua
Save file and have fun.
Yeah, I always wanted to have my child on my shoulders and when there's a shootout, I give my child the pistol as my support XD
I love this mod for my LSPDFR gameplays, but I noticed the baby won't spawn for multiplayer characters, but will spawn for main characters. I'm sure I can figure it out by looking at the lua file. Great work, dude!
Question, where did you find that Shiba Inu model?
@GhostRx INSANOGAMES did the models. I did script, so I'm not sure, sorry.
yeah, it's looking for main players. You could change it in notepad++ try adding your model name in the init().
Tom = GAMEPLAY.GET_HASH_KEY("your model name")
Then add in tick() Babysitter = Tom;
Or however you divide, sounds like you're pretty saavy. Anyway if you get it to work would you mind sharing here so others can do it too?
Have fun thanks for the feedback.
Wow, you guys and gals really seem to like this mod. Great to see people having fun with out mass destruction and superpowers. 🤓
Please submit a complaint about the activation requirement when playing offline. I got it and the launcher got updated forced game update even though I had no updates checked. Launcher is failing install. I have been pushed two levels up from complaints and await the department that makes launcher. The more people that complain about activation requirement for offline play can support my efforts to remove that B.S. cause. Thanks.
@N8Gamez nice mod can you make one where you can get a girlfriend and have kids with them etc and divorces would be good imo
@Kexx I'm working on a project for ThemePark mod to have gamebooths, working rides and other activities.
I do not have number pad. hat do I do?
hi friend what program do you use to create these skins?
How to get this working for addon peds??
lmao why?
Hot to get this dog ?
Dá se to použít i do FiveM, nebo jen do GTA 5 online?
lol franklin having kids is actually canon
Can I use this for fivem??
does anyone know how to make the baby black for franklin i always get the white one
very cute mod :)