Yamaha Aerox 155 [Add-On | Template] 1.0
- The usual addon installation
- Working lights
- Digital dials
- Working rear suspension spring animation
- Livery (provide template so you can make your own)
- Foot position is not precise
- Exhaust texture uv map changing bug
Planned update:
- Tuning parts
credits to:
- gds speed for gta sa 3d model.
- Futozzzzz for digital dials.
converted to gta v mods by GarasiArk
Thank you for downloading. Enjoy!
- The usual addon installation
- Working lights
- Digital dials
- Working rear suspension spring animation
- Livery (provide template so you can make your own)
- Foot position is not precise
- Exhaust texture uv map changing bug
Planned update:
- Tuning parts
credits to:
- gds speed for gta sa 3d model.
- Futozzzzz for digital dials.
converted to gta v mods by GarasiArk
Thank you for downloading. Enjoy!
Först uppladdad: 21 oktober 2020
Senast uppdaterad: 24 oktober 2020
Senast nedladdad: 10 timmar sedan
35 Kommentarer
More mods by GarasiArk:
- The usual addon installation
- Working lights
- Digital dials
- Working rear suspension spring animation
- Livery (provide template so you can make your own)
- Foot position is not precise
- Exhaust texture uv map changing bug
Planned update:
- Tuning parts
credits to:
- gds speed for gta sa 3d model.
- Futozzzzz for digital dials.
converted to gta v mods by GarasiArk
Thank you for downloading. Enjoy!
- The usual addon installation
- Working lights
- Digital dials
- Working rear suspension spring animation
- Livery (provide template so you can make your own)
- Foot position is not precise
- Exhaust texture uv map changing bug
Planned update:
- Tuning parts
credits to:
- gds speed for gta sa 3d model.
- Futozzzzz for digital dials.
converted to gta v mods by GarasiArk
Thank you for downloading. Enjoy!
Först uppladdad: 21 oktober 2020
Senast uppdaterad: 24 oktober 2020
Senast nedladdad: 10 timmar sedan
Update 1.1 can be downloaded from my youtube channel here https://youtu.be/_hWDj3-IzbE
@GarasiArk nmax nya dong gan
@penjualbebek52 buat bikin decal sendiri gan. pake potosop ato aplikasi gambar lainnya.
@Andhikaaaaaaa nmax nanti ane share... kalo channel ane dapet 300 subscriber.
Notice: the video i uploaded is v1.1. which will be released when my youtube channel hit 100 subscriber.
asli bro keren banget akhirnya ada yg bikin aerox 155 buat gta 5, saran gw sih paling shock depannya tinggiin aja kaya versi standard aeroxnya, sama gw request parts modif ala ala roadracenya dilengkapin kaya windshield sectbill sm spion bar-end, mungkin buat referensinya bisa cek di IG nya @aeroxroadrace @aeroxbandung @aeroxbogor @aeroxpeople dll, sekali lagi nice work parah bro bintang 10 buat lu
auto subs ngab gasabar gw update nya biar bisa hedonin xixi
saran zx25r bang wkwkw
@MOHAQILLA belom nemu 3d modelnya...
mantap bang semua mod nya, next vespa matic dong wkkwkwkwkwkw
bang kok saya gk muncul buat costum kaya fender yg gitu nya ya?
kapan bang upload v1.1 nyaa? udah 100 subs nih, gasabar saking kerennya hehee
@GarasiArk makasii bang, sukses terus
request bro,mod aerox/vario dan seterusnya tambahin acc buat modif knalpot model silincer custom hehehe
@GarasiArk hi, can you upload the 1.1 version here? i cant download it from your website. btw awesome mods :)
cara instal di gtav terbaru gmn ya
Waiting for the tuning update :) Great work by the way!
@GarasiArk can you release the ktm duke ?(sorry for spam)
Please create a scooter model Honda dio af35zx or Yamaha jog sa 16