The Security Pack [Add-On] 5.2a
The go-to choice for security, the Gruppe Sechs's strength lies in numbers. From firefighters to off-duty cops and even former military men, Gruppe Sechs employs the biggest congregation of 21st century redshirts in comparison to their rivals. Almost a brand-name product in the security field, it's present wherever some good old armed collateral is needed.
Gruppe Sechs
Primarily notorious rather than renowned—for their fair share of high-profile robberies across the continent, Bobcat Security is a formidable option on the security market. The Midwest, its crime climate and a never-ending line of paying customers wanting to shield themselves from it, shaped Bobcat Security from a small-scale company into one of the behemoths in its line of work.
Bobcat Security
Safety first—human rights later. Merryweather Security is a private military contractor and security company that doesn't beat around the bush—it beats the bush itself to a pulp. Billions of dollars in shady government contracts allows them to provide their workers (and by extension the customers) the best hardware money can buy. Not for the faint of wallet.
Merryweather Security
The VIP’s favorite. Offering high-end protection for the rich, wealthy and famous for a price that only they can afford. If you are poor, a feel of the taste of the boot of their heavily-armed bodyguards and crowd control crew is what they can offer you. And yes, they also do mall security because why not?
Their fleet may not the biggest one, but it gets the job done. And with striking red-and-black company colors you probably won't even notice the do-badders' blood and guts on the side if shit hits the fan. Lock & Load Security—it's in the name.
Lock & Load Security
One of the biggest players on the private security field in the 90s is making a comeback two decades later. In a financial slump and not as cutting edge in terms of hardware and transportation compared to its rivals, Chuff Security more than makes up for it with sheer enthusiasm... and the staff's dire financial prospects.
Chuff Security
Do not modify or re-upload this modification without authors' permissions. Do not exploit the contents of this modification for commercial, financial or personal gain. This modification is intended for single-player use but feel free to add these assets to FiveM and RageMP at your own risk as long as permissions are requested and full credits are given. Technical support for FiveM or RageMP, support for tampered files included in this modification by the end user or ELS and DLS compatible versions will not be provided by the authors.
This pack consists of lore-friendly security-themed improved vanilla vehicles fitted with equipment and liveries mostly based on canon designs while aiming at variety and uniqueness.
Gruppe Sechs, the ever-expanding security conglomerate behemoth established all over the country for many years; Bobcat Security, a thriving Midwestern company defying the security oligopoly in the West Coast; Merryweather Security Armed Response, do not confuse them with the nefarious Merryweather private military contractor as these are just their ordinary residential and commercial security branch bringing whatever you can always expect from a regular security company; and the SecuroServ Mall Security division, the least shady arm of the questionable VIP security services provider filling the commercial districts with wannabe cops, had their vanilla fleets expanded and brand-new guard NPCs added to the roster: covering from high-value armored transport vehicles to small patrol carts and respective uniforms for each company.
Also two private security companies from GTA Vice City and San Andreas make a return in this pack to please the nostalgic players: Lock & Load Security, an all-American company struggling to keep itself afloat in the cash-in-transit business; and Chuff Security Co., a foreign security company trying to bite a share of the high-value transportation market (according to the authors' headcanon and design choices).
Expect to find these fresh additions naturally spawning all over the map in very fitting scenarios. Look around ATMs, financial institutions, wealthy neighborhoods and a few other places you would encounter private security presence. Moreover, there's a new large Gruppe Sechs depot in Mission Row and a small Bobcat Security office in Del Perro Plaza.
• Gruppe Sechs Caddy - Patrol Vehicle (g6caddy)
• Gruppe Sechs Perennial - Patrol Vehicle (g6perennial)
• Gruppe Sechs Buffalo - Escort Vehicle (g6buffalo)
• Gruppe Sechs Armored Speedo Express - Armored Valuable Transport Vehicle (g6speedo)
• Gruppe Sechs Executive Service Stockade - Armored Valuable Transport Vehicle (g6stockade)
• Gruppe Sechs RCV - Riot Control Vehicle (g6rcv)
• Bobcat Security Surge - Patrol Vehicle (bssurge)
• Bobcat Security Fugitive - Escort Vehicle (bsfugitive)
• Bobcat Security Mesa - Heavy Escort Vehicle (bsmesa)
• Bobcat Security Seminole Frontier - Heavy Escort Vehicle (bsseminolef)
• Bobcat Security Pony - Alarm Security (bspony)
• Bobcat Security Stockade - Armored Valuable Transport Vehicle (stockade2)
• Merryweather Security Stanier - Patrol Vehicle (mwstanier)
• Merryweather Security Gresley - Patrol Vehicle (mwgresley)
• Merryweather Security Granger - Patrol Vehicle (mwgranger)
• Merryweather Security Premier - Patrol Vehicle (mwpremier)
• Lock & Load Merit - Escort Vehicle (llmerit)
• Lock & Load Executioner - Heavy Escort Vehicle (llexecutioner)
• Lock & Load Securicar - Armored Valuable Transport Vehicle (llsecuricar)
• Lock & Load Steed 1500 - Armored Valuable Transport Vehicle (llsteed)
• Chuff Security Chavos - Escort Vehicle (chfchavos)
• Chuff Security Lokus - Escort Vehicle (chflokus)
• Chuff Security Seminole - Heavy Escort Vehicle (chfseminole)
• Chuff Security Brickade - Armored Valuable Transport Vehicle (chfbrick)
• Security Pigeon Patrol - Patrol Vehicle (secpigeon)
• Gruppe Sechs Black & White Armored Guard 1 (S_M_M_BWArmoured_01)
• Gruppe Sechs Black & White Armored Guard 2 (S_M_M_BWArmoured_02)
• Bobcat Security Regular Guard (S_M_M_Security_03)
• Bobcat Security Armored Guard (S_M_M_Armoured_03)
• Bobcat Security Technician (S_M_Y_AlarmWorker_01)
• SecuroServ Mall Guard (S_M_M_MallGuard_01)
• Chuff Security Regular Guard (S_M_M_Security_04)
• Chuff Security Armored Guard (S_M_M_Armoured_04)
• Lock & Load Regular Guard (S_M_M_Security_05)
• Lock & Load Armored Guard (S_M_M_Armoured_05)
• Gameconfig.xml by PNWParksFan and Dilapidated
• Packfile Limit Adjuster by Unknown Modder
• HeapAdjuster by Dilapidated
• SirenSetting Limit Adjuster by cp702
• Rockstar Games - Original models
• TheF3nt0n - Model edits
• AlexanderLB - Textures
• AlexVonShep - Original inspiration
• Bondergomme - Securicar
• austen64 - Stock Buffalo and vehicles from the Quality of Life Improvement Fixes Pack
• Engetsuka - Fugitive
• Dani02 - Securicar, Brickade conversions and Speedo Express improvements
• CP - Perennial, Chavos and Lokus conversions
• GCT - Executioner and Steed 1500
• Monkeypolice188 - Mapped Securicar, Improved Merit, Improved Stockade, Pigeon Patrol and custom soundbanks
• TG_Stig - Speedo Express
• 11john11 - Stanier model and Sirensettings
• Nacho - Stanier door trims
• Xana - Stanier engine model
• WibFlip - Wheels
• Voit Turyv - Lightbars
• WildBrick142 - Seminole Frontier rigging
• Stryfaar - 3D Vapid badge and improved security peds
• Vx5 Voltage - Improved security peds
• Weeby - Armored vehicle parts and MX7000
• Yard1 - Chuff and Merryweather peds
• Eddlm - Handlings
• LamboFreak - Sounds
• MyCrystals! - Quotes
• ukeyS - Screenshots
• Yager Development - Golf cart seat model
• Insomniac Games - Base model of the Pigeon
• 1.0 – Initial release
• 1.1 – Fixed the Dilettante and improved the vehicles.meta
• 1.2 – Added glass shards for all vehicles, improved several vehicles and the vehicles.meta
• 1.3 – Improved several vehicle models, including meta edits, liveries and the Gruppe Sechs Buffalo has been replaced by the S version
• 2.0 – Added one more security company with three vehicles and two peds, improved the metas and vehicle models and the Gruppe Sechs Dilettante is now considered as an add-on car
• 3.0 – Overhauled the entire pack with new concepts, designs, vehicles and peds
• 4.0 – Vehicles, textures and peds improved and revamped, new vehicles added, new interior props, fleet adjustments, cargens tweaked
• 4.0a – Fixed a mistake within the soundbanks of the vehicles and remade the Lock & Load Steed liveries
• 4.0b – Fixed the incompatibility with the Contract update
• 5.0 – Large rework on the peds and vehicles, texture polishment, Gruppe Sechs Buffalo S replaced by regular Buffalo and new scenarios added with map alterations integrated into the main DLC
• 5.1 – New shader for LED light bars, scenario fixes, NPC behavior improvements and minor model and texture adjustments
• 5.2 – Large rework on the vehicles
• 5.2a – Fixed the incorrect shader on the Stanier's grille badge, which caused a deformation issue
Gruppe Sechs
Primarily notorious rather than renowned—for their fair share of high-profile robberies across the continent, Bobcat Security is a formidable option on the security market. The Midwest, its crime climate and a never-ending line of paying customers wanting to shield themselves from it, shaped Bobcat Security from a small-scale company into one of the behemoths in its line of work.
Bobcat Security
Safety first—human rights later. Merryweather Security is a private military contractor and security company that doesn't beat around the bush—it beats the bush itself to a pulp. Billions of dollars in shady government contracts allows them to provide their workers (and by extension the customers) the best hardware money can buy. Not for the faint of wallet.
Merryweather Security
The VIP’s favorite. Offering high-end protection for the rich, wealthy and famous for a price that only they can afford. If you are poor, a feel of the taste of the boot of their heavily-armed bodyguards and crowd control crew is what they can offer you. And yes, they also do mall security because why not?
Their fleet may not the biggest one, but it gets the job done. And with striking red-and-black company colors you probably won't even notice the do-badders' blood and guts on the side if shit hits the fan. Lock & Load Security—it's in the name.
Lock & Load Security
One of the biggest players on the private security field in the 90s is making a comeback two decades later. In a financial slump and not as cutting edge in terms of hardware and transportation compared to its rivals, Chuff Security more than makes up for it with sheer enthusiasm... and the staff's dire financial prospects.
Chuff Security
Do not modify or re-upload this modification without authors' permissions. Do not exploit the contents of this modification for commercial, financial or personal gain. This modification is intended for single-player use but feel free to add these assets to FiveM and RageMP at your own risk as long as permissions are requested and full credits are given. Technical support for FiveM or RageMP, support for tampered files included in this modification by the end user or ELS and DLS compatible versions will not be provided by the authors.
This pack consists of lore-friendly security-themed improved vanilla vehicles fitted with equipment and liveries mostly based on canon designs while aiming at variety and uniqueness.
Gruppe Sechs, the ever-expanding security conglomerate behemoth established all over the country for many years; Bobcat Security, a thriving Midwestern company defying the security oligopoly in the West Coast; Merryweather Security Armed Response, do not confuse them with the nefarious Merryweather private military contractor as these are just their ordinary residential and commercial security branch bringing whatever you can always expect from a regular security company; and the SecuroServ Mall Security division, the least shady arm of the questionable VIP security services provider filling the commercial districts with wannabe cops, had their vanilla fleets expanded and brand-new guard NPCs added to the roster: covering from high-value armored transport vehicles to small patrol carts and respective uniforms for each company.
Also two private security companies from GTA Vice City and San Andreas make a return in this pack to please the nostalgic players: Lock & Load Security, an all-American company struggling to keep itself afloat in the cash-in-transit business; and Chuff Security Co., a foreign security company trying to bite a share of the high-value transportation market (according to the authors' headcanon and design choices).
Expect to find these fresh additions naturally spawning all over the map in very fitting scenarios. Look around ATMs, financial institutions, wealthy neighborhoods and a few other places you would encounter private security presence. Moreover, there's a new large Gruppe Sechs depot in Mission Row and a small Bobcat Security office in Del Perro Plaza.
• Gruppe Sechs Caddy - Patrol Vehicle (g6caddy)
• Gruppe Sechs Perennial - Patrol Vehicle (g6perennial)
• Gruppe Sechs Buffalo - Escort Vehicle (g6buffalo)
• Gruppe Sechs Armored Speedo Express - Armored Valuable Transport Vehicle (g6speedo)
• Gruppe Sechs Executive Service Stockade - Armored Valuable Transport Vehicle (g6stockade)
• Gruppe Sechs RCV - Riot Control Vehicle (g6rcv)
• Bobcat Security Surge - Patrol Vehicle (bssurge)
• Bobcat Security Fugitive - Escort Vehicle (bsfugitive)
• Bobcat Security Mesa - Heavy Escort Vehicle (bsmesa)
• Bobcat Security Seminole Frontier - Heavy Escort Vehicle (bsseminolef)
• Bobcat Security Pony - Alarm Security (bspony)
• Bobcat Security Stockade - Armored Valuable Transport Vehicle (stockade2)
• Merryweather Security Stanier - Patrol Vehicle (mwstanier)
• Merryweather Security Gresley - Patrol Vehicle (mwgresley)
• Merryweather Security Granger - Patrol Vehicle (mwgranger)
• Merryweather Security Premier - Patrol Vehicle (mwpremier)
• Lock & Load Merit - Escort Vehicle (llmerit)
• Lock & Load Executioner - Heavy Escort Vehicle (llexecutioner)
• Lock & Load Securicar - Armored Valuable Transport Vehicle (llsecuricar)
• Lock & Load Steed 1500 - Armored Valuable Transport Vehicle (llsteed)
• Chuff Security Chavos - Escort Vehicle (chfchavos)
• Chuff Security Lokus - Escort Vehicle (chflokus)
• Chuff Security Seminole - Heavy Escort Vehicle (chfseminole)
• Chuff Security Brickade - Armored Valuable Transport Vehicle (chfbrick)
• Security Pigeon Patrol - Patrol Vehicle (secpigeon)
• Gruppe Sechs Black & White Armored Guard 1 (S_M_M_BWArmoured_01)
• Gruppe Sechs Black & White Armored Guard 2 (S_M_M_BWArmoured_02)
• Bobcat Security Regular Guard (S_M_M_Security_03)
• Bobcat Security Armored Guard (S_M_M_Armoured_03)
• Bobcat Security Technician (S_M_Y_AlarmWorker_01)
• SecuroServ Mall Guard (S_M_M_MallGuard_01)
• Chuff Security Regular Guard (S_M_M_Security_04)
• Chuff Security Armored Guard (S_M_M_Armoured_04)
• Lock & Load Regular Guard (S_M_M_Security_05)
• Lock & Load Armored Guard (S_M_M_Armoured_05)
• Gameconfig.xml by PNWParksFan and Dilapidated
• Packfile Limit Adjuster by Unknown Modder
• HeapAdjuster by Dilapidated
• SirenSetting Limit Adjuster by cp702
• Rockstar Games - Original models
• TheF3nt0n - Model edits
• AlexanderLB - Textures
• AlexVonShep - Original inspiration
• Bondergomme - Securicar
• austen64 - Stock Buffalo and vehicles from the Quality of Life Improvement Fixes Pack
• Engetsuka - Fugitive
• Dani02 - Securicar, Brickade conversions and Speedo Express improvements
• CP - Perennial, Chavos and Lokus conversions
• GCT - Executioner and Steed 1500
• Monkeypolice188 - Mapped Securicar, Improved Merit, Improved Stockade, Pigeon Patrol and custom soundbanks
• TG_Stig - Speedo Express
• 11john11 - Stanier model and Sirensettings
• Nacho - Stanier door trims
• Xana - Stanier engine model
• WibFlip - Wheels
• Voit Turyv - Lightbars
• WildBrick142 - Seminole Frontier rigging
• Stryfaar - 3D Vapid badge and improved security peds
• Vx5 Voltage - Improved security peds
• Weeby - Armored vehicle parts and MX7000
• Yard1 - Chuff and Merryweather peds
• Eddlm - Handlings
• LamboFreak - Sounds
• MyCrystals! - Quotes
• ukeyS - Screenshots
• Yager Development - Golf cart seat model
• Insomniac Games - Base model of the Pigeon
• 1.0 – Initial release
• 1.1 – Fixed the Dilettante and improved the vehicles.meta
• 1.2 – Added glass shards for all vehicles, improved several vehicles and the vehicles.meta
• 1.3 – Improved several vehicle models, including meta edits, liveries and the Gruppe Sechs Buffalo has been replaced by the S version
• 2.0 – Added one more security company with three vehicles and two peds, improved the metas and vehicle models and the Gruppe Sechs Dilettante is now considered as an add-on car
• 3.0 – Overhauled the entire pack with new concepts, designs, vehicles and peds
• 4.0 – Vehicles, textures and peds improved and revamped, new vehicles added, new interior props, fleet adjustments, cargens tweaked
• 4.0a – Fixed a mistake within the soundbanks of the vehicles and remade the Lock & Load Steed liveries
• 4.0b – Fixed the incompatibility with the Contract update
• 5.0 – Large rework on the peds and vehicles, texture polishment, Gruppe Sechs Buffalo S replaced by regular Buffalo and new scenarios added with map alterations integrated into the main DLC
• 5.1 – New shader for LED light bars, scenario fixes, NPC behavior improvements and minor model and texture adjustments
• 5.2 – Large rework on the vehicles
• 5.2a – Fixed the incorrect shader on the Stanier's grille badge, which caused a deformation issue
Först uppladdad: 3 augusti 2017
Senast uppdaterad: 31 januari 2025
Senast nedladdad: 5 minuter sen
405 Kommentarer
The go-to choice for security, the Gruppe Sechs's strength lies in numbers. From firefighters to off-duty cops and even former military men, Gruppe Sechs employs the biggest congregation of 21st century redshirts in comparison to their rivals. Almost a brand-name product in the security field, it's present wherever some good old armed collateral is needed.
Gruppe Sechs
Primarily notorious rather than renowned—for their fair share of high-profile robberies across the continent, Bobcat Security is a formidable option on the security market. The Midwest, its crime climate and a never-ending line of paying customers wanting to shield themselves from it, shaped Bobcat Security from a small-scale company into one of the behemoths in its line of work.
Bobcat Security
Safety first—human rights later. Merryweather Security is a private military contractor and security company that doesn't beat around the bush—it beats the bush itself to a pulp. Billions of dollars in shady government contracts allows them to provide their workers (and by extension the customers) the best hardware money can buy. Not for the faint of wallet.
Merryweather Security
The VIP’s favorite. Offering high-end protection for the rich, wealthy and famous for a price that only they can afford. If you are poor, a feel of the taste of the boot of their heavily-armed bodyguards and crowd control crew is what they can offer you. And yes, they also do mall security because why not?
Their fleet may not the biggest one, but it gets the job done. And with striking red-and-black company colors you probably won't even notice the do-badders' blood and guts on the side if shit hits the fan. Lock & Load Security—it's in the name.
Lock & Load Security
One of the biggest players on the private security field in the 90s is making a comeback two decades later. In a financial slump and not as cutting edge in terms of hardware and transportation compared to its rivals, Chuff Security more than makes up for it with sheer enthusiasm... and the staff's dire financial prospects.
Chuff Security
Do not modify or re-upload this modification without authors' permissions. Do not exploit the contents of this modification for commercial, financial or personal gain. This modification is intended for single-player use but feel free to add these assets to FiveM and RageMP at your own risk as long as permissions are requested and full credits are given. Technical support for FiveM or RageMP, support for tampered files included in this modification by the end user or ELS and DLS compatible versions will not be provided by the authors.
This pack consists of lore-friendly security-themed improved vanilla vehicles fitted with equipment and liveries mostly based on canon designs while aiming at variety and uniqueness.
Gruppe Sechs, the ever-expanding security conglomerate behemoth established all over the country for many years; Bobcat Security, a thriving Midwestern company defying the security oligopoly in the West Coast; Merryweather Security Armed Response, do not confuse them with the nefarious Merryweather private military contractor as these are just their ordinary residential and commercial security branch bringing whatever you can always expect from a regular security company; and the SecuroServ Mall Security division, the least shady arm of the questionable VIP security services provider filling the commercial districts with wannabe cops, had their vanilla fleets expanded and brand-new guard NPCs added to the roster: covering from high-value armored transport vehicles to small patrol carts and respective uniforms for each company.
Also two private security companies from GTA Vice City and San Andreas make a return in this pack to please the nostalgic players: Lock & Load Security, an all-American company struggling to keep itself afloat in the cash-in-transit business; and Chuff Security Co., a foreign security company trying to bite a share of the high-value transportation market (according to the authors' headcanon and design choices).
Expect to find these fresh additions naturally spawning all over the map in very fitting scenarios. Look around ATMs, financial institutions, wealthy neighborhoods and a few other places you would encounter private security presence. Moreover, there's a new large Gruppe Sechs depot in Mission Row and a small Bobcat Security office in Del Perro Plaza.
• Gruppe Sechs Caddy - Patrol Vehicle (g6caddy)
• Gruppe Sechs Perennial - Patrol Vehicle (g6perennial)
• Gruppe Sechs Buffalo - Escort Vehicle (g6buffalo)
• Gruppe Sechs Armored Speedo Express - Armored Valuable Transport Vehicle (g6speedo)
• Gruppe Sechs Executive Service Stockade - Armored Valuable Transport Vehicle (g6stockade)
• Gruppe Sechs RCV - Riot Control Vehicle (g6rcv)
• Bobcat Security Surge - Patrol Vehicle (bssurge)
• Bobcat Security Fugitive - Escort Vehicle (bsfugitive)
• Bobcat Security Mesa - Heavy Escort Vehicle (bsmesa)
• Bobcat Security Seminole Frontier - Heavy Escort Vehicle (bsseminolef)
• Bobcat Security Pony - Alarm Security (bspony)
• Bobcat Security Stockade - Armored Valuable Transport Vehicle (stockade2)
• Merryweather Security Stanier - Patrol Vehicle (mwstanier)
• Merryweather Security Gresley - Patrol Vehicle (mwgresley)
• Merryweather Security Granger - Patrol Vehicle (mwgranger)
• Merryweather Security Premier - Patrol Vehicle (mwpremier)
• Lock & Load Merit - Escort Vehicle (llmerit)
• Lock & Load Executioner - Heavy Escort Vehicle (llexecutioner)
• Lock & Load Securicar - Armored Valuable Transport Vehicle (llsecuricar)
• Lock & Load Steed 1500 - Armored Valuable Transport Vehicle (llsteed)
• Chuff Security Chavos - Escort Vehicle (chfchavos)
• Chuff Security Lokus - Escort Vehicle (chflokus)
• Chuff Security Seminole - Heavy Escort Vehicle (chfseminole)
• Chuff Security Brickade - Armored Valuable Transport Vehicle (chfbrick)
• Security Pigeon Patrol - Patrol Vehicle (secpigeon)
• Gruppe Sechs Black & White Armored Guard 1 (S_M_M_BWArmoured_01)
• Gruppe Sechs Black & White Armored Guard 2 (S_M_M_BWArmoured_02)
• Bobcat Security Regular Guard (S_M_M_Security_03)
• Bobcat Security Armored Guard (S_M_M_Armoured_03)
• Bobcat Security Technician (S_M_Y_AlarmWorker_01)
• SecuroServ Mall Guard (S_M_M_MallGuard_01)
• Chuff Security Regular Guard (S_M_M_Security_04)
• Chuff Security Armored Guard (S_M_M_Armoured_04)
• Lock & Load Regular Guard (S_M_M_Security_05)
• Lock & Load Armored Guard (S_M_M_Armoured_05)
• Gameconfig.xml by PNWParksFan and Dilapidated
• Packfile Limit Adjuster by Unknown Modder
• HeapAdjuster by Dilapidated
• SirenSetting Limit Adjuster by cp702
• Rockstar Games - Original models
• TheF3nt0n - Model edits
• AlexanderLB - Textures
• AlexVonShep - Original inspiration
• Bondergomme - Securicar
• austen64 - Stock Buffalo and vehicles from the Quality of Life Improvement Fixes Pack
• Engetsuka - Fugitive
• Dani02 - Securicar, Brickade conversions and Speedo Express improvements
• CP - Perennial, Chavos and Lokus conversions
• GCT - Executioner and Steed 1500
• Monkeypolice188 - Mapped Securicar, Improved Merit, Improved Stockade, Pigeon Patrol and custom soundbanks
• TG_Stig - Speedo Express
• 11john11 - Stanier model and Sirensettings
• Nacho - Stanier door trims
• Xana - Stanier engine model
• WibFlip - Wheels
• Voit Turyv - Lightbars
• WildBrick142 - Seminole Frontier rigging
• Stryfaar - 3D Vapid badge and improved security peds
• Vx5 Voltage - Improved security peds
• Weeby - Armored vehicle parts and MX7000
• Yard1 - Chuff and Merryweather peds
• Eddlm - Handlings
• LamboFreak - Sounds
• MyCrystals! - Quotes
• ukeyS - Screenshots
• Yager Development - Golf cart seat model
• Insomniac Games - Base model of the Pigeon
• 1.0 – Initial release
• 1.1 – Fixed the Dilettante and improved the vehicles.meta
• 1.2 – Added glass shards for all vehicles, improved several vehicles and the vehicles.meta
• 1.3 – Improved several vehicle models, including meta edits, liveries and the Gruppe Sechs Buffalo has been replaced by the S version
• 2.0 – Added one more security company with three vehicles and two peds, improved the metas and vehicle models and the Gruppe Sechs Dilettante is now considered as an add-on car
• 3.0 – Overhauled the entire pack with new concepts, designs, vehicles and peds
• 4.0 – Vehicles, textures and peds improved and revamped, new vehicles added, new interior props, fleet adjustments, cargens tweaked
• 4.0a – Fixed a mistake within the soundbanks of the vehicles and remade the Lock & Load Steed liveries
• 4.0b – Fixed the incompatibility with the Contract update
• 5.0 – Large rework on the peds and vehicles, texture polishment, Gruppe Sechs Buffalo S replaced by regular Buffalo and new scenarios added with map alterations integrated into the main DLC
• 5.1 – New shader for LED light bars, scenario fixes, NPC behavior improvements and minor model and texture adjustments
• 5.2 – Large rework on the vehicles
• 5.2a – Fixed the incorrect shader on the Stanier's grille badge, which caused a deformation issue
Gruppe Sechs
Primarily notorious rather than renowned—for their fair share of high-profile robberies across the continent, Bobcat Security is a formidable option on the security market. The Midwest, its crime climate and a never-ending line of paying customers wanting to shield themselves from it, shaped Bobcat Security from a small-scale company into one of the behemoths in its line of work.
Bobcat Security
Safety first—human rights later. Merryweather Security is a private military contractor and security company that doesn't beat around the bush—it beats the bush itself to a pulp. Billions of dollars in shady government contracts allows them to provide their workers (and by extension the customers) the best hardware money can buy. Not for the faint of wallet.
Merryweather Security
The VIP’s favorite. Offering high-end protection for the rich, wealthy and famous for a price that only they can afford. If you are poor, a feel of the taste of the boot of their heavily-armed bodyguards and crowd control crew is what they can offer you. And yes, they also do mall security because why not?
Their fleet may not the biggest one, but it gets the job done. And with striking red-and-black company colors you probably won't even notice the do-badders' blood and guts on the side if shit hits the fan. Lock & Load Security—it's in the name.
Lock & Load Security
One of the biggest players on the private security field in the 90s is making a comeback two decades later. In a financial slump and not as cutting edge in terms of hardware and transportation compared to its rivals, Chuff Security more than makes up for it with sheer enthusiasm... and the staff's dire financial prospects.
Chuff Security
Do not modify or re-upload this modification without authors' permissions. Do not exploit the contents of this modification for commercial, financial or personal gain. This modification is intended for single-player use but feel free to add these assets to FiveM and RageMP at your own risk as long as permissions are requested and full credits are given. Technical support for FiveM or RageMP, support for tampered files included in this modification by the end user or ELS and DLS compatible versions will not be provided by the authors.
This pack consists of lore-friendly security-themed improved vanilla vehicles fitted with equipment and liveries mostly based on canon designs while aiming at variety and uniqueness.
Gruppe Sechs, the ever-expanding security conglomerate behemoth established all over the country for many years; Bobcat Security, a thriving Midwestern company defying the security oligopoly in the West Coast; Merryweather Security Armed Response, do not confuse them with the nefarious Merryweather private military contractor as these are just their ordinary residential and commercial security branch bringing whatever you can always expect from a regular security company; and the SecuroServ Mall Security division, the least shady arm of the questionable VIP security services provider filling the commercial districts with wannabe cops, had their vanilla fleets expanded and brand-new guard NPCs added to the roster: covering from high-value armored transport vehicles to small patrol carts and respective uniforms for each company.
Also two private security companies from GTA Vice City and San Andreas make a return in this pack to please the nostalgic players: Lock & Load Security, an all-American company struggling to keep itself afloat in the cash-in-transit business; and Chuff Security Co., a foreign security company trying to bite a share of the high-value transportation market (according to the authors' headcanon and design choices).
Expect to find these fresh additions naturally spawning all over the map in very fitting scenarios. Look around ATMs, financial institutions, wealthy neighborhoods and a few other places you would encounter private security presence. Moreover, there's a new large Gruppe Sechs depot in Mission Row and a small Bobcat Security office in Del Perro Plaza.
• Gruppe Sechs Caddy - Patrol Vehicle (g6caddy)
• Gruppe Sechs Perennial - Patrol Vehicle (g6perennial)
• Gruppe Sechs Buffalo - Escort Vehicle (g6buffalo)
• Gruppe Sechs Armored Speedo Express - Armored Valuable Transport Vehicle (g6speedo)
• Gruppe Sechs Executive Service Stockade - Armored Valuable Transport Vehicle (g6stockade)
• Gruppe Sechs RCV - Riot Control Vehicle (g6rcv)
• Bobcat Security Surge - Patrol Vehicle (bssurge)
• Bobcat Security Fugitive - Escort Vehicle (bsfugitive)
• Bobcat Security Mesa - Heavy Escort Vehicle (bsmesa)
• Bobcat Security Seminole Frontier - Heavy Escort Vehicle (bsseminolef)
• Bobcat Security Pony - Alarm Security (bspony)
• Bobcat Security Stockade - Armored Valuable Transport Vehicle (stockade2)
• Merryweather Security Stanier - Patrol Vehicle (mwstanier)
• Merryweather Security Gresley - Patrol Vehicle (mwgresley)
• Merryweather Security Granger - Patrol Vehicle (mwgranger)
• Merryweather Security Premier - Patrol Vehicle (mwpremier)
• Lock & Load Merit - Escort Vehicle (llmerit)
• Lock & Load Executioner - Heavy Escort Vehicle (llexecutioner)
• Lock & Load Securicar - Armored Valuable Transport Vehicle (llsecuricar)
• Lock & Load Steed 1500 - Armored Valuable Transport Vehicle (llsteed)
• Chuff Security Chavos - Escort Vehicle (chfchavos)
• Chuff Security Lokus - Escort Vehicle (chflokus)
• Chuff Security Seminole - Heavy Escort Vehicle (chfseminole)
• Chuff Security Brickade - Armored Valuable Transport Vehicle (chfbrick)
• Security Pigeon Patrol - Patrol Vehicle (secpigeon)
• Gruppe Sechs Black & White Armored Guard 1 (S_M_M_BWArmoured_01)
• Gruppe Sechs Black & White Armored Guard 2 (S_M_M_BWArmoured_02)
• Bobcat Security Regular Guard (S_M_M_Security_03)
• Bobcat Security Armored Guard (S_M_M_Armoured_03)
• Bobcat Security Technician (S_M_Y_AlarmWorker_01)
• SecuroServ Mall Guard (S_M_M_MallGuard_01)
• Chuff Security Regular Guard (S_M_M_Security_04)
• Chuff Security Armored Guard (S_M_M_Armoured_04)
• Lock & Load Regular Guard (S_M_M_Security_05)
• Lock & Load Armored Guard (S_M_M_Armoured_05)
• Gameconfig.xml by PNWParksFan and Dilapidated
• Packfile Limit Adjuster by Unknown Modder
• HeapAdjuster by Dilapidated
• SirenSetting Limit Adjuster by cp702
• Rockstar Games - Original models
• TheF3nt0n - Model edits
• AlexanderLB - Textures
• AlexVonShep - Original inspiration
• Bondergomme - Securicar
• austen64 - Stock Buffalo and vehicles from the Quality of Life Improvement Fixes Pack
• Engetsuka - Fugitive
• Dani02 - Securicar, Brickade conversions and Speedo Express improvements
• CP - Perennial, Chavos and Lokus conversions
• GCT - Executioner and Steed 1500
• Monkeypolice188 - Mapped Securicar, Improved Merit, Improved Stockade, Pigeon Patrol and custom soundbanks
• TG_Stig - Speedo Express
• 11john11 - Stanier model and Sirensettings
• Nacho - Stanier door trims
• Xana - Stanier engine model
• WibFlip - Wheels
• Voit Turyv - Lightbars
• WildBrick142 - Seminole Frontier rigging
• Stryfaar - 3D Vapid badge and improved security peds
• Vx5 Voltage - Improved security peds
• Weeby - Armored vehicle parts and MX7000
• Yard1 - Chuff and Merryweather peds
• Eddlm - Handlings
• LamboFreak - Sounds
• MyCrystals! - Quotes
• ukeyS - Screenshots
• Yager Development - Golf cart seat model
• Insomniac Games - Base model of the Pigeon
• 1.0 – Initial release
• 1.1 – Fixed the Dilettante and improved the vehicles.meta
• 1.2 – Added glass shards for all vehicles, improved several vehicles and the vehicles.meta
• 1.3 – Improved several vehicle models, including meta edits, liveries and the Gruppe Sechs Buffalo has been replaced by the S version
• 2.0 – Added one more security company with three vehicles and two peds, improved the metas and vehicle models and the Gruppe Sechs Dilettante is now considered as an add-on car
• 3.0 – Overhauled the entire pack with new concepts, designs, vehicles and peds
• 4.0 – Vehicles, textures and peds improved and revamped, new vehicles added, new interior props, fleet adjustments, cargens tweaked
• 4.0a – Fixed a mistake within the soundbanks of the vehicles and remade the Lock & Load Steed liveries
• 4.0b – Fixed the incompatibility with the Contract update
• 5.0 – Large rework on the peds and vehicles, texture polishment, Gruppe Sechs Buffalo S replaced by regular Buffalo and new scenarios added with map alterations integrated into the main DLC
• 5.1 – New shader for LED light bars, scenario fixes, NPC behavior improvements and minor model and texture adjustments
• 5.2 – Large rework on the vehicles
• 5.2a – Fixed the incorrect shader on the Stanier's grille badge, which caused a deformation issue
Först uppladdad: 3 augusti 2017
Senast uppdaterad: 31 januari 2025
Senast nedladdad: 5 minuter sen
The game crashes when trying to spawn in scenarios from this mod. I'm not sure if this is an outdated issue. Help?
@TheF3nt0n is this compatible with RDE? I dont wanna make it crash the wanted level system and its outdated
@TheF3nt0n love your stuff especially the coroner scenarios.
i never got the scenarios for the security pack to spawn, is there something i can do to change that?
@MaxLuk Not every scenario spawn immediately when you approach the area, you need patience until they can spawn, you can check the list here:
Holy Shit an update?!
Very nice work.
@TheF3nt0n Hey bro are you planning to Improve the Sheriff 2 SUV car? can you pls make one ;)
The latest update keeps breaking my game, I went to look at the vehicles in OpenIV and it says that the vehicles.rpf is corrupted (RPF_INVALID_ENTRY_4). I also tried to download it multiple times and it says it everytime. I don't know if there maybe is somewhere else to download the update?
Same as @Feddepower, OpenIV keeps saying "Unable to open archive: Archive is corrupted. RPF_INVALID_ENTRY_4: Empty archive entry name", redownloaded the pack 5 times and I even unpacked it with WinRar.
@andrew10ok @Feddepower The mod is encrypted, this is a measure to prevent resellers. The mod works fine if you access the game yourself.
That might be worth adding to the description, as it didn't used to be, so it's going to confuse a lot of people who are upgrading and checking things out.
Overall very happy that an update is out. I can't wait to see all the bug fixes. Thank you! :D
So as I said in my message at first the game would crash when loading, that's why I checked and noticed it didn't open. After redownloading and just starting now it does work so yahoo!
@TheF3nt0n Understandable, even tho this way I can't modify anything that's inside of it (for example change some liveries, like the merryweather blue liveries)
@Feddepower, I'm having the same issue. I wonder if there was an issue with the download servers breaking something earlier. I'll have to download it again. Thank you for the update to give me hope! :D
Hope to see the return of the "Private Invest Group" [P.I.G] from GTA VC.
@GenSecGuard12 We considered it at some point a long time ago but the idea was scrapped.
@AlexanderLB Damn, that's ok at least.
Great mod!! one qiestion: do scenarios spawn with mp maps enabled?
@ActuallyRon yes mp maps only enables interiors from multiplayer so you should be fine.
@TheF3nt0n I'm sorry to bother, but do you have any templates with this pack?