Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham 1985 v1.5
@wakula a temporary fix would be to use the simple trainer's save car feature it will keep them no matter far away you get from them and it can do multiple cars at one time
@libertz yes you can i just tested it and it works all you have to do is rename the files to add 2 after each emperor
@TrustedChimp i already removed it i had some problems, sometimes when i went around dat car game got frozen ....
@libertz oh ok np i juts thought id let you know
Respected!! You can customize the truck Trevor ???
Can enyone help me with the Emperor's original files pls?
Where does everyone keep getting these Cadillac models? I see them on here, in, L4d2. I know it's the same model because they all use the exact same textures, and the models seem to basically be identical from the driver's seat forward on every one of them.
Late in the day, but can you do a snow version?
Can you make an 89 Fleetwood coupe?
to my last comment im glad to donate for it
Nice. But in the game version of Cadillac Fleetwood 1977.
@r1-5-qwertyuiop It simply looks fantastically amazing. Simply spectacular. Very High quality. Thank you i like it a lot.
@r1-5-qwertyuiop Could you make this into an add-on?
@r1-5-qwertyuiop missing option to lose bumpers, change interior colors and bullet impact but its still best working fleetwood on site
this car looks great ! can you make it as an add on please ? ?
what you want for the unlocked model i really would love to mod it..with your permission of course
Can you make an addon version of this car please? I would be greatly appreciated.