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    [15:15:21] [DEBUG] Loading API from .\ScriptHookVDotNet2.dll ...
    [15:15:21] [DEBUG] Loading API from .\ScriptHookVDotNet3.dll ...
    [15:15:21] [DEBUG] Loading scripts from D:\Grand Theft Auto V\scripts ...
    [15:15:22] [DEBUG] Loading assembly NativeUI.dll ...
    [15:15:22] [INFO] Found 1 script(s) in NativeUI.dll resolved to API 2.10.12.
    [15:15:22] [DEBUG] Loading assembly PedSelector.dll ...
    [15:15:22] [INFO] Found 1 script(s) in PedSelector.dll resolved to API 2.10.12.
    [15:15:22] [DEBUG] Loading assembly TeamDeathmatch.dll ...
    [15:15:22] [INFO] Found 2 script(s) in TeamDeathmatch.dll resolved to API 2.10.12.
    [15:15:22] [DEBUG] Instantiating script NativeUI.BigMessageThread ...
    [15:15:22] [INFO] Started script NativeUI.BigMessageThread.
    [15:15:22] [DEBUG] Instantiating script PedSelector.PedSelector ...
    [15:15:23] [INFO] Started script PedSelector.PedSelector.
    [15:15:23] [DEBUG] Instantiating script TeamDeathmatch.Deathmatch ...
    [15:15:24] [ERROR] Failed to instantiate script TeamDeathmatch.Deathmatch because constructor threw an exception: System.FormatException: Le format de la chaîne d'entrée est incorrect.
    à System.Number.ParseSingle(String value, NumberStyles options, NumberFormatInfo numfmt)
    à TeamDeathmatch.Deathmatch.ReadPosition(String positionName)
    à TeamDeathmatch.Deathmatch.ReadCurrentLocation()
    à TeamDeathmatch.Deathmatch..ctor()
    [15:15:24] [DEBUG] Instantiating script TeamDeathmatch.Team ...
    [15:15:24] [INFO] Started script TeamDeathmatch.Team.

    16 maj 2020