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@thehuntingwolf5 thanks a lot man!
@Rich246 Damn. I will do some more testing on my second machine once gta is done installing. I wonder if the update after ill gotten gains changed the file responsible for this. Ill have to do some digging, it should be up this weekend. Sorry about that. Bear with me as rockstar messes everything up every time they update.
@Rich246 UPDATED! Sometimes the admin takes a while to approve the upload but V1.1 is uploaded and works with the most updated version of the game, I just tested it. Please let me know if you have any issues! Thank you!
@Rich246 Sorry, Ill update it this week!! Thank you for letting me knoww!
Sorry for any confusion. But how do you have faster police? A script mod? Editing the files in this mod affect ALL of the drivers, there is no spot to change just the police.
The RPFs in this mod has 4 categories, sports cars, crap cars, average cars and trucks. Most police vehicles fall into the "average" so you could change just the average car category but that will affect all of the cars that are in that category. The only way to affect JUST the police's braking is to write a custom script mod. You could give the police cars better brakes in the handling.meta file, and they will come to a stop sooner.
@Mateus I kind of merged this mod into my other traffic mod, which has more options to choose from here: https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/insanely-bad-drivers-traffic-mod
You can compare the versions to suit your needs better, the file is surprisingly simple with just a few variables controlling all of the AI in the game. If you just want faster cops you would have to edit the police vehicles to be faster, or apply this mod which will make all drivers (police included) drive faster.
@dbakk The update folder loads last, and most mods ask to install in a similar directory. You can put it in the other directory if thats what you want. It should still work.
@Johnny5clowna Yeah it really pisses me off cause the overpowered weapons is my favorite mod to play with. I am working on a super slimmed down version that will hopefully temporarily fix the stuttering when shooting modded guns but the real fix will come when R* fixes what they broke in august.
@FangedBeast Yeah level 4 or level 5 will work best for you, they both make traffic less cautious (Level 5 makes them have higher speeds as well) and traffic flows a bit better and people dont slam on the brakes when something is in the way, and people dont wreck often, I would say rare wrecks.
@8SCARFace8 Well I have never experienced a bug, and if your controller is messing up it could very well be affecting the steering. I wish I could be more help but you should try just using the kb+mouse and see if that changes anything. Perhaps check the controllers diagnostics in windows?